
Porta-Pontoon Pontoon Boat Portable Folding Collapsible Paddleboard Ships FREE

$ 580.27

Availability: 100 in stock


The patented Porta-Pontoon is 10 feet long in its basic model and 5 feet wide.
Collapses and Fits in Car Backseat or Trunk, Uses Oars/Outboard Motor, For Family of Five.
For sale is the basic model and does not include the optional removable canopy top. We produce longer versions of the Porta-Pontoon but this is the most popular model because of its portability. All models come with two movable padded seats and a pair of oars and FREE shipping from the USA. Two additional seats are being offered with this sale, for a total of four movable padded seats. You are buying directly from the USA manufacturer who offers various options. Porta-Pontoon was created and is sold by the Fair Winds Foundation. Complete price including shipping is 9.
To view videos of the Porta-Pontoon, please search YouTube for Porta-Pontoon
. For more information and additional videos visit the Porta-Pontoon website.Text, call or email us for more information. Thank you
-The Porta-Pontoon contains 18 components consisting of 10 pieces of deck and 8 pontoons. The largest component (deck piece with transom) is 2 feet by 4 feet by 4 inches and weighs 15 lbs.
-Patented system of interlocking stabilizers under floorboards.
-All parts numbered for easy assembly.
-No screws used (except for optional canopy) and no tools needed for assembly.
-The weight capacity of the Porta-Pontoon is 700 lbs and is safe and stable for a family of 5 not exceeding that weight.
-The recommended motor is a 2.5 outboard Suzuki although the transom can accommodate a larger motor (motor not included)
-The boat can be assembled in 20 minutes or less when experienced. Disassembly takes less than 10 minutes whether or not experienced.
-Choice of deck colors: white, yellow, red or blue (please specify in follow-up email exchange)
-Includes a two-year absolute guarantee.
Message from Captain Dennis, Inventor of the Porta-Pontoon
Thank you for your interest in the patented Porta-Pontoon boat. I welcome you to read my book about the origin of my invention entitled
Porta-Pontoon Boat: The Amazing Collapsible Pontoon Boat
available on Amazon.
The book talks about my experiences owning pontoon boats over the years. It focuses on one I especially liked, the
SS Lutecia
. The book traces the history and heavy usage by many people of this great pontoon boat before its life ended at age 25 from extensive use and many adventures.
You might think thatthat would be the conclusion of the story. But really it was only thebeginning. I missed the
SS Lutecia.
She had given me a lot ofpleasure. In fact she had provided a fun time for a large number of people. Iwanted to get back into boating and on a pontoon boat, which I love. But not alarge one, which is too bulky and carries too much overhead. I did not want theheadache of maintaining and paying for an expensive docking slip. Nor did Iwant the nightmare of finding a way to haul the boat out of the water if it neededmaintenance or repair. Or if its large motor had to be serviced.
What I wanted was aportable pontoon boat that was collapsible and which you could put in the trunkor back seat of your car. But such a boat did not exist. So I decided toinvent one. So many people complimented my invention that I decided to marketit. I had the money and the experience to do it. I could consult with engineersand experts to create a production model at a low price, which I did.
There were a lot ofcomplications involved in creating a simple design that would work well andcould be offered at a low price. I finally came up with the Porta-Pontoon whichI believe does it all.
Where else can you finda stable pontoon boat suitable for a family of five for under 00 (with FREEshipping)? The slogan I created for the Porta-Pontoon: "If you have a backseat in your car, you have a family pontoon boat."
After building the firstproduction model, we tested it under varying conditions, both with an outboardmotor and with oars. It performed splendidly as our prototype indicated itwould. We took it to various locations, such as boat ramps and beaches. The boat assembled quickly and disassembled even quicker. That's saying a lot sinceI did it all myself, a senior. Consider that the heaviest part of the boat is only15 pounds. That does not include the outboard motor. I recommend the one I use,a Suzuki 2.5 horsepower that weighs just 29 pounds. Keep it light and fun I say.
Please compare our boatto the Porta-Bote which is more than twice as expensive, is less stable and itsheaviest part weighs more than 70 pounds.
My boat is a joy to usewith none of the headaches of traditional boating. Seeing is believing! Viewthe videos on YouTube or our website and see for yourself. I know you will beconvinced. Please contact me by phone, text or email if you have any questions.We love to talk about the Porta-Pontoon Boat.
Porta-Pontoon vsPorta-Bote
We asked an experienced boater who owns both a Porta-Pontoon and Porta-Bote, and loves them both, tocompare the two boats. Here’s his review discussing the pros and cons of eachboat:
I am a big fan of boththe Porta-Pontoon and the Porta-Bote. I use my 2.5 Suzuki outboard on eachbecause of the motor’s light weight and ease to put on and off. It pushes thePorta-Bote better than the Porta-Pontoon but that’s to be expected since thePorta-Bote is a V-hull boat. But you can’t beat the Porta-Pontoon for comfortsince you can sit, lie down and stand on it. No need to stay in one positionall day. I especially like to anchor the Porta-Pontoon and do some sunbathingon it with my family. We call it our floating, moving island.
Both boats take a bit ofpractice to put together quickly. The Porta-Bote is not easy to unfold withoutsnapping shut before you get the extending piece or first bench into it. Ittakes strength and I recommend two people do it. The Porta-Pontoon does notpresent that problem but it has more pieces to assemble, so could take a bitlonger until you get experience.
My Porta-Bote hasstarted to leak since I have assembled and disassembled it so many times whichputs strain on the folding hull. But it’s a small leak and I bring a small cupwith me to bail. The Porta-Pontoon does not leak and I don’t expect that itwill because there is nothing to fold or put strain on. Even if caught in therain the Porta-Pontoon will not collect water, so no need for bailing. That’strue of all pontoon boats, which is why pontoon boats are called unsinkable.
The heaviest part of thePorta-Bote is over 70 lbs which can be a strain on one person to carry orassemble. In contrast the heaviest part of the Porta-Pontoon is under 15 lbs.
I travel with thePorta-Bote in my van since the hull is one piece and will not fit in my car.I’m reluctant to put it on the roof of the car for safety and security reasons,being very expensive to replace if stolen or damaged. My Porta-Pontoon fitsinto the back seat of my car and does not look like something worth stealingwhen it collapses into each other for transportation and storagepurposes.
Both boats hug the waterand ride amazingly well. If the weather is rough I prefer the Porta-Botebecause of its V-hull. If I had to choose which boat to own, I would havetrouble deciding since I like to alternate between the two boats. Essentiallythe Porta-Bote is built for speed and the Porta-Pontoon is built for comfort. Ican more easily transport the Porta-Pontoon but I would say that the Porta-Boteis easier to assemble, particularly if you have someone to help you with theone-piece folding hull.
Fortunately I can affordboth boats, since the Porta-Pontoon is less than 00 and the Porta-Bote, eventhough somewhat pricier, is still under 00.
Before I forget, you maybe thinking about buying an inflatable boat. My experience with them has notbeen good. See the Porta-Bote website for more about this. See video comparingboth boats on Porta-Pontoon website.